lundi 23 avril 2018

The best kept secret to get rid of acne and acne scars. It really works! Trust me...

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For years I have had bad acne and scarring. I have used almost all the tricks in the book until I came across information on what is called the Oil Cleansing Method. I saw success stories and it seemed not only simple but also cheap! Expensive brands claiming to fix acne do work for some time but then dry your face out and eventually stop working. I was tired of a flaky/oily face and the caked on make-up to cover it all up. 

So here is the AMAZING Oil Cleansing Method:

 "Using oil to wash my face is probably the last thing I would think of. After reading about oil-cleansing, it all began to make sense.
Our skin produces oil in order to function properly. When we use harsh or even mild facial cleansers/lotions/products they strip our face of its natural oils. Our skin is then forced to compensate by producing more oil. An overproduction of oil will clog our pores- causing acne-and leave our skin feeling/looking oily. I normally would wash my face (with Cetaphil) at 6:15am and it would get oily by 8:30am!"
There are many reasons why our skin can benefit from oil-cleansing.
  • Oil dissolves oil
  • It will dissolve the oil that has hardened throughout the day and stuck in your pores
  • Naturally, keeps your skin supple and moisturized
  • Easily removes makeup
  • Cheaper than buying facial products
  • It’s a cleanser, make-up remover and moisturizer all in one!
  • Helps even out skin tone
  • 100% Natural
For those with normal skin use a 1:1 ratio of Castor Oil(cold-pressed) and EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
For those with acne-prone or oily skin use a 3:1 ratio of Castor Oil (cold pressed)and EVOO. (This is what I've been using)

For those with drier skin start off with a 1:3 ratio of Castor Oil (cold-pressed) and EVOO
I keep my oil in a small container with 3 Tbs of Castor Oil and 1 Tbs of EVOO – it lasts about 2 weeks.

You can use several different types of oil, but after some comparing, I went with a combination of 70% Castor Oill (Make sure it’s cold-pressed) and 30% Extra Virgin Olive Oil. My reason is that Castor Oil is great at pulling out all of the dirt/build-ups, and Extra Virgin Olive Oil is very nourishing and moisturizing. It also has the same PH as human skin.

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